Wanstead Flats 7 - Angel Pond and the Bandstand

The bandstand, Wanstead Flats

The Bandstand under construction - though it cannot be seen, the roof is on (all postcard views this page courtesy of P. Saunders)

The bandstand, Wanstead Flats

'Bandstand, Wanstead Flats' with Angel Pond and the tree avenue known as Monkey's Parade

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The bandstand can be seen in the hand-coloured postcard below. In the photograph taken in 2001, Angel Pond presents a very different aspect.

Wanstead Flats

'Angel Lake, Wanstead Flats' - a hand-coloured postcard from the beginning of the 20th century.

Wanstead Flats

Angel Pond with the bandstand circle of trees in the background. April 2001