Wanstead Park 13 - Boating on Heronry Pond

Boating on Heronry Pond

A postcard view from the north bank of the Heronry Pond, showing an embankment almost crossing the lake near East Island. (postcard courtesy of P. Saunders)

Boating on Heronry Pond

A view taken from a similar position to that on the left. February 2006

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Boating on Heronry Pond

"Wanstead Park" - an old postcard view of the Heronry Pond showing the boat house, Temple and Chalet. (postcard courtesy of P. Saunders)

Boating on Heronry Pond

The Heronry Pond - the same view, the tea hut has replaced the boat house, the Chalet has gone, but the Temple is still visible. March 2005