Microscopic Organisms - Photos and Videos


These include a variety of organisms observed under the microscope, and which do not necessarily fit into any of the groups separately dealt with on the website. In many - if not most - instances I do not have the expertise to offer a confident identification. In fact, I may be way off!

I have grouped the photographs in scientific order as far as I have been able. Each is referred to by its scientific name - but not necessarily down to Genus and Species. I have included a common name, either by which it may be more commonly known (e.g. 'a rotifer') if it has one, or at least something to which it may be referred. There may also be pop-up notes available.(click on 'Notes' at the bottom left corner)

The photographs have been labeled with the date photographed, and the location. All of the photographs were taken by myself.

I haven't yet included thumbnails for photos, just a sequence of larger-scaled images.

CLICK HERE for the first in the series of photographs.



For other groups of organisms, use the listing below -

Algae   Lichens    Slime Moulds    Fungi    Liverworts & Mosses    Higher Plants    Plant Galls