Additions to species list (2018)
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This is a list of species newly entered (or shortly to be entered) onto the website. Clicking on the species name should take you to a photograph if one is available.
* in some cases the entry was made some time after the species was found. This may be due to a new identification or a previous mis-identification, or even a simple omission! The original find-date is is indicated within brackets.
All examples found by myself unless otherwise indicated. Please note that many of these identifications are tentative, and have not been verified.
Species | Common Name | Type of Organism | Date of find or entry* | Found by: |
Creolophus cirrhatus | Tiered Tooth | Fungus | 21/11/2018 | |
Linum usitatissimum | Common Flax | Plant | 19/10/2018 | |
Rhopalus subrufus ? | a bug | Insect | 17/10/2018 (04/06/2016) | |
Reduvius personatus | Assassin Bug | Insect | 15/10/2018 (11/07/2008) | |
Nezara viridula | Southern Green Shield Bug | Insect | 11/10/2018 | |
Trachemys scripta scripta | Yellow-bellied Slider | Reptile | 01/07/2018 (03/05/2013) | |
Lepidium ruderale | Narrow-leaved Pepperwort | Plant | 25/06/2018 | |
Seioptera vibrans | a picture-wing fly | Insect | 06/06/2018 | |
Corvus frugilegus | Rook | Bird | 14/05/2018 | |
Ankistrodesmus gracilis (poss.) | Colonial alga | Alga | 24/04/2018 (18/04/2018) | |
Spirostomum sp. | Free-swimming Ciliate | Protozoan | 20/04/2018 (23/03/2018) | |
Eudorina sp. | Colonial alga | Alga | 18/04/2018 | |
Gonium sp. | Colonial alga | Alga | 18/04/2018 | |
Cosmarium sp. | Desmid | Alga | 16/04/2018 (13/01/2018) | |
Chydorus sphaericus | Crustacean | Crustacean | 15/04/2018 | |
Urocentrum (turbo) | Free-swimming Ciliate | Protozoan | 15/04/2018 (27/01/2018) | |
Euplotes sp. | Free-swimming Ciliate | Protozoan | 09/04/2018 | |
Actinophrys sp. |
Sun-animicule | Protozoan | 09/04/2018 | |
Stentor (coeruleus) | Free-swimming Ciliate | Protozoan | 09/04/2018 | |
Coelastrum sp. | Colonial alga | Alga | 09/04/2018 | |
Cyprid | Crustacean larva | Crustacean | 09/04/2018 | |
Chaetonotus sp. ? | Hairyback | Gastrotriche | 18/01/2018 | |
Amoeba sp. | Amoeba | Protozoan | 31/03/2018 (10/12/2015) | |
Euglena sp. | Euglena Flagellate | Alga | 29/03/2018 | |
Keratella sp. | Rotifer | Protozoan | 18/03/2018 | |
Caenomorpha medusula | Free-swimming Ciliate | Protozoan | 27/01/2018 | |
Ploima (Order) | Rotifer | Protozoan | 27/01/2018 (18/12/2017) | |
Habrotrocha sp. | Rotifer | Protozoan | 27/01/2018 (01/12/2015) | |
Brachionus sp. | Rotifer | Protozoan | 27/01/2018 (08/11/2015) | |
Ostracod (Class) | Seed Shrimp | Crustacean | 27/01/2018 (08/04/2016) | |
Vorticella sp. | Ciliate | Protozoan | 26/01/2018 (27/11/2015) | |
Stylonychia sp. | Free-swimming Ciliate | Protozoan | 25/01/2018 (17/11/2015) | |
Strombidium sp. | Free-swimming Ciliate | Protozoan | 25/01/2018 (02/12/2015) | |
Paramecium sp. | Free-swimming Ciliate | Protozoan | 25/01/2018 (02/12/2015) | |
Colpoda sp. | Free-swimming Ciliate | Protozoan | 25/01/2018 (19/11/2015) | |
Colpidium sp. | Free-swimming Ciliate | Protozoan | 25/01/2018 (02/12/2015) | |
Carchesium sp. | Colonial Ciliate | Protozoan | 25/01/2018 (15/11/2015) | |
Heliozoa (Order) | Sun-Animicule | Protozoan | 24/01/2018 (03/12/2015) | |
Nematode | Nematode | Roundworm | 24/01/2018 (27/11/2015) | |
Cladocera (Order) | Water Flea | Crustacean | 24/01/2018 (12/11/2015) | |
Peridinium sp. | Flagellate | Alga | 23/01/2018 (19/11/2015) | |
Nitzschia sp. | Diatom | Alga | 23/01/2018 (29/11/2015) | |
Diatom | Diatom | Alga | 23/01/2018 (01/12/2015) | |
Gymnodinium sp. ? | Flagellate | Alga | 22/01/2018 (27/12/2017) | |
Cylindrocapsa sp. | Green Algae | Alga | 22/01/2018 (18/12/2017) | |
Volvox sp. | Globe Algae | Alga | 22/01/2018 (17/12/2017) | |
Cladophora sp. | Green Algae | Alga | 22/01/2018 (09/10/2015) | |
Gastrotricha (Phylum) | Hairyback | Gastrotriche | 13/01/2018 | |
Vorticella sp. | Ciliate | Protozoan | 12/01/2018 | |
Difflugia sp. | Testate Amoeba | Protozoan | 11/01/2018 | |
Chaos sp. | Amoeba | Protozoan | 10/01/2018 | |
Phacus sp. | Euglena Flagellate | Alga | 08/01/2018 | |
Navicula sp. | Diatom | Alga | 08/01/2018 | |
Diatom | Diatom | Alga | 08/01/2018 | |
Diatom | Diatom | Alga | 08/01/2018 | |
Achnanthes sp. | Diatom | Alga | 08/01/2018 | |
Achnanthes sp. | Diatom | Alga | 08/01/2018 | |
Cyclops (Nauplius) | Water Flea larva (Nauplius) | Crustacean | 06/01/2018 | |
Cyclops | Water Flea | Crustacean | 06/01/2018 | |
Centropyxis sp. (possibly C. aculeata) | Testate Amoeba | Protozoan | 01/01/2018 | |
Closterium sp. | Desmid | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Cosmarium sp. | Desmid | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Cymatopleura sp. | Diatom | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Cymbella sp. | Diatom | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Desmidium sp. | Desmid | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Euglena sp. | Euglena Flagellate | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Navicula sp. | Diatom | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Pediastrum sp. | Green Algae | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Trachelomonas sp. | Euglena Flagellate | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Scenedesmus sp. | Green Algae | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Scenedesmus sp. | Green Algae | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Spirogyra sp. | Green Algae | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Staurastrum (natator) | Desmid | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Staurastrum sp. | Desmid | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Ulothrix sp. | Green Algae | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Ulotrichales (Order) | Green Algae | Alga | 01/01/2018 | |
Uroglena sp. | Colonial Algae | Alga | 01/01/2018 |