Wanstead Park - Fungi 

(for a description of the Fungi of the area see The Fungi of Southern Epping Forest by C.W. Plant and G. Kibby, The London Naturalist, No.63, 1984.)


Common Name
Agaricus arvensis Horse Mushroom Near Perch Pond, foray on 13/10/96
Agaricus campestris Field Mushroom The Grove, foray on 13/10/96
Aleuria aurantia Orange-peel Fungus L8, south side of mound
Amanita muscaria Fly Agaric K7, corner of Chalet Wood near Park gate, in grassland, 14/10/79; Chalet Wood and at the top of Glade, 12/10/92; The Grove, Foray on 13/10/96; 01/03/2010
Amanita rubescens The Blusher Wanstead Park, 21/10/2000
Armillarea mellea Honey Fungus Wanstead Park, 31/10/2007
Auricularia auricula-judae Jew's ear G6, on a fallen log in Reservoir Wood, 01/11/80; 20/09/92; Chalet Wood, 27/10/00
Auricularia mesenterica Tripe Fungus L7, on a log seat, 28/10/79; Chalet Wood 08/12/2008
Bjerkandera adjusta Smoky Bracket L6, tree stump by Perch pond, 19/11/80; Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96
Bolbitius vittelinus Yellow Fieldcap Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96
Boletus badius Bay Boletus L6, in grass on peninsula of Perch Pond, 14/10/79; Reservoir Wood, 20/09/92
Boletus chrysenteron Red-cracked Boletus In grass near Keepers Lodge, 12/10/92
Boleteus (satanus ?) Devil's Bolete ? Wanstead Park, near the golf-course extension 03/10/2006
Boletus subtomentosus Downy Bolete Chalet Wood, 12/10/92
Calocera glossioides ? Jelly Club wp 29/11/2006
Clavaria fistulosa   23/10/2000
Clitocybe flaccida Tawney Funnel-cap Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96
Clitocybe gibba (infundibuliformis) Common Funnel-cap Reservoir Wood 25/10/2000; Chalet Wood and Warren Wood, 12/10/92
Clitocybe nebularis Clouded Funnel-cap M9, River Wood, 2/11/80; Chalet Wood and Warren wood, 12/10/92; Chalet Wood and Warren Wood, 12/10/92; Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96; The Grove, 24/10/00; Reservoir Wood 25/10/00; Chalet Wood, 27/10/00
Collybia butyracea Butter Cap Common in Chalet Wood, 12/10/92; The Grove, foray on 13/10/96
Collybia peronata Wood Woolly-foot N4 in grass; Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96
Coprinus atramentarius Ink Cap On a tree stump by Heronry Pond. 13/3/77; Near Perch Pond, foray on 13/10/96
Coprinus cinereus Dung heap Ink-cap N7, on fine mud in grass in the Bund, 19/02/77
Coprinus disseminatus Crumble-cap 01/01/78
Coprinus domesticus? Firerug Inkcap 20/09/92
Coprinus micaceus Glistening Ink Cap On tree stump, 08/1/78; Chalet Wood and Warren Wood, 12/10/92; The Grove, foray on 13/10/96; Wanstead Park, 20/01/2007
Coprinus plicatilis Pleated Inkcap 25/08/2010
Coriolus versicolor Many-zoned Polypore 20/09/92; The Grove, foray on 13/10/96
Cryptostroma corticale Sooty Bark Fungus 20/12/2004
Dacrymyces stllatus (deliquescens) Common Jellyspot On many tree-stumps, mostly elm, 12/02/77
Daedaleopsis confragosa Blushing Bracket 20/09/92
Daldinia concentrica Cramp Ball On tree stump by O.W., 26/02/77; and elsewhere in park
Epichloe sp. Grass-choke Fungus 20/07/2007
Fistulina hepatica Beef Steak Fungus 18/10/92 (Richard Baker); wp 06/10/2010
Flammulina velutipes Velvet Foot Common on tree stumps, 12/02/77; Warren Wood, 12/10/92
Ganoderma applanatum / adspersum/ europaeum Artist's Fungus K7, on Beech at edge of Chalet Wood near end of Plain, 14/10/79
Ganoderma lucidum Lacquered Bracket 26/08/2010
Ganoderma resinaceum Lacquered Bracket  12/02/2010
Gymnopilus junonius Spectacular Rustgill M6, base of tree stump by Dell, 04/10/79
Hebeloma mesophaeum Veiled Poisonpie Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96
Heterobasidion annosum Root Rot A specimen from an unknown location in the park was at first thought to be Ganoderma applanatum, but a look at the spores showed globose shape approx. 5.5x3.5 microns
Hypholoma fasciculare Sulphur Tuft N/6, on tree stump near weir-bridge, 2/4/77; ?, 20/09/92; Chalet Wood, 12/10/92; Chalet wood, foray on 13/10/96; Dell 26/09/01; Grove 24/10/00
Inocybe bongardii ? Fruity Fibrecap Chalet Wood, 12/10/92
Laccaria amethystina Amethyst Deceiver 20/09/92; Near Perch Pond 24/10/00
Laccaria laccata Deceiver Chalet Wood; 12/10/92; Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96; Warren Wood 27/10/00
Lactarius quietus Oak Milk-cap Reservoir Wood, 20/09/92; Chalet Wood, 12/10/92
Lactarius rufus Red Milk-cap Chalet Wood, 12/10/92
Lactarius turpis Ugly Milk-cap Chalet Wood and top end of Glade, 12/10/92
Laetiporus sulphureus Chicken of the Woods N7, a nice specimen growing on a Yew tree
Langermannia gigantea Giant Puff-ball K6, many on bank above lake (all kicked at!), 10/10/92
Lepiota cristata Stinking Parasol Chalet Wood, 12/10/92
Lepista nuda Wood Blewit G6, in leaf mould near entrance gate at west end of Reservoir Wood, 08/01/78; on a log by Perch Pond peninsula, 30/11/79; Dell 26/10/00
Lycoperdon perlatum Puffball Chalet Wood and top end of Glade, 12/10/92; The Plain and Chalet Wood; Reservoir Wood 25/10/00
Lycoperdon pyriforme Stump Puffball Chalet Wood and Warren Wood, 12/10/92; Chalet wood, foray on 13/10/96
Macrolepiota procera Parasol H6 Reservoir Wood, 14/10/79; I6, in grass near car park area, 30/09/80
Macrolepiota rhacodes Shaggy Parasol The Grove, foray on 13/10/96; Chalet Wood 13/11/00
Macrotyphula (Clavaria) fistulosa Pipe Club The Grove 23/10/00
Marasmius androsaceus Horse-hair Fungus The Plain, foray on 13/10/96
Marasmius oreades Fairy Ring Champignon 20/09/92; The Plain, foray on 13/10/96
Meripilus giganteus Giant Polypore G6 Reservoir wood, 26/10/80; The Grove, foray on 13/10/96
Mycena galopus Milking Bonnet G6 Reservoir Wood, 01/11/2008
Mycena inclinata Clustered Bonnet 18/10/92 (Richard Baker); The Grove, foray on 13/10/96; Chalet Wood 27/10/00
Mycena olivaceomarginata Brown Edge Bonnet The Plain, foray on 13/10/96
Mycena sepia   The Plain foray on 13/10/96
Mycena vitilis (filopes) Snapping Bonnet Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96
Nectria cinnabarina Coral-spot Chalet Wood and the Grove, foray on 13/10/96
Oudemansiella mucida Porcelain Fungus Warren Wood, 12/10/92
Panaeolus sphinctrinus Grey Mottlegill The Grove, foray on 13/10/96
Paxillus involutus Brown Roll-rim L6, Perch Pond peninsula, mud bank at waters edge, 14/10/79; Chalet Wood and Warren Wood, 12/10/92; the Grove, foray on 13/10/96
Peziza sp. Cup Fungus Wanstead Park near the Grotto, 03/04/1977
Peziza repanda Palamino Cup Near the Tea Hut, foray on 13/10/96
Phallus impudicus
Stinkhorn M8, top of bank in trees at corner of OW path and the Glade, Sept.?
Phlebia radiata (merismoides) Wrinkled Crust 18/10/92 (Richard Baker); The Grove, foray on 13/10/96
Pholiota squarrosa Shaggy Pholiota Warren Wood, 12/10/92
Piptoporus betulinus Birch Polypore Reservoir Wood 08/12/2008; L6, on Birches on peninsula of Perch Pond; Chalet Wood near Keepers Cottages.
Pleurotus dryinus Veiled Oyster L10. on dead tree (Elm?), about 7 feet up. A number of jointed brackets, 19/11/80. Specimen looked like P.dryinus, inc. soft "furry" cap. The spores however averaged about 10x3.5 microns, smaller than should be - more like P. ostreatus
Pleurotus ostreatus Oyster Mushroom I6, on a fallen tree, 15/04/79
Pluteus cervinus Deer Toadstool On a tree stump by OW., 13/03/77; Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96
Pluteus leoninus Lion Shield Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96
Polyporus squamosus
Dryad's Saddle M6, on tree stump at N.E. end of Perch Pond, 29/04/79
Psathyrella gracilis Brittlestem Near Perch Pond, foray on 13/10/96
Psathyrella microrhiza Rootlet Brittlestem Chalet Wood, foray on 13/10/96
Rhytisma acerinum Sycamore Tarspot 28/08/2004
Russula atropurpurea Purple Russula  
Russula cyanoxantha The Charcoal Burner 31/10/2008
Russula ochroleuca Common Ochre Russula 20/09/92; Chalet Wood, 12/10/92; Reservoir Wood 25/10/00
Scleroderma citrinum Common Earth-ball 28/10/79 L7, edge of Chalet Wood
Scleroderma (verrucosum ?) Scaly Earthball 20/08/2009
Scutellina scuttelata Eye-lash Fungus L6, growing on a log in the reed bed at west end of Perch Pond, 14/10
Stereum hirsutum Hairy Stereum The Grove, foray on 13/10/9
Stereum rugosum Bleeding Stereum  
Stropharia aeruginosa Verdigris Agaric Near Park Road 06/12/2009
Thelephora terrestris Earth Fan In the new chestnut avenue at top of Plain, 29/11/2006
Trametes gibbosa Lumpy Bracket On a log by OW., 05/03/77
Trametes versicolor Varicoloured Bracket Chalet Wood 21/10/2000
Tremella mesenterica Yellow Brain 02/01/2016
Tricholoma saponaceum Soapy Knight The Grove, foray on 13/10/96
Vascellum pratense (Lycoperdon depressum) Meadow Puffball N7/8, on bare ground in Bund, 23/10/79
Volvariella speciosa Rosegill Near Tea Hut, foray on 13/10/96
Xylaria hypoxylon Candle-snuff fungus L10, base of tree near pump-house, 01/01/78
Xylaria polymorpha Dead Mans Fingers Wanstead Park, near the pump house, 23/09/2001

In addition, the following have not been seen by me but have been reported:

Common Name
Agaricus haemorrhidarious Wood Mushroom 18/10/92 (Richard Baker)
Amanita pantherina Panther Cap Wanstead Park 2009 (Brian Gotts)
Calocera cornea Small Stagshorn 18/10/92 (Richard Baker)
Lacrymaria velutina Weeping Widow 18/10/92 (Richard Baker)
Panaeolus acuminatus (rickenii) Dewdrop Mottlegill (Wren Group record)


  Beef Steak Fungus