
A list of Beetles (Coleoptera) that have been found in the study area.

Name Family Species Locality
(with dates of first records)
a diving beetle Dytiscidae Hygrotus inaequalis Wanstead Flats near Alexandra Lake 12/07/2011; Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014
Great Diving Beetle Dytiscidae Dytiscus marginalis Capel Road garden 07/05/2013
a ground beetle Carabidae Amara sp. ? Capel Road garden 21/04/06
a ground beetle Carabidae Dromius linearis Sewage Works site 10/03/2015
Devil's coach-horse Staphylinidae Ocypus olens On the Plain in Wanstead Park 23/09/2001
Lesser Stag Beetle Lucanidae Dorcus parallelipipedus Wanstead Park 05/07/2003
Dog-pooh Dung Beetle Scarabaeidae Onthophagus sp. Wanstead Park 30/05/2008
a dor beetle Scarabaeidae Onthophagus sp. Sewage Works site 25/05/2015
Summer Chafer Scarabaeidae Amphimallon solstitiale Wanstead Flats around oaks by Capel Rd. 10/07/2005
Chequered Click Beetle ? Elateridae Prosternon tessellatum ? Wanstead Park 09/06/08
a click beetle Elateridae Athous bicolor ? Capel Road garden 12/06/2006
a click beetle Elateridae Athous haemorrhoidalis

City of London Cemetery 13/05/2008

a click beetle Elateridae Agriotes sputator ? Capel Road garden 14/07/2005
a soldier beetle Cantharidae Cantharis sp. (poss. figurata) Capel Road garden 13/06/2006
a soldier beetle Cantharidae Cantharis fusca Sewage Works site 02/06/2006
a soldier beetle Cantharidae Cantharis sp. (poss. rustica) Wanstead Park 30/05/2008
a soldier beetle Cantharidae Rhagonycha fulva Wanstead Park 21/07/2005; Capel Road garden 02/07/2006; Leyton Flats 03/07/2007
Fur Beetle ? Dermestidae Attagenus pellio ? Capel Road house 01/03/2007
a carpet beetle Dermestidae Anthrenus verbasci Capel Road house 10/04/2006
a spider beetle Ptinidae Gibbium sp.
Capel Road garden 05/10/2013
Golden Spider Beetle Ptinidae Niptus hololeucus CoL Cemetery, 18/11/2014
Malachite Beetle Melyridae Malachius bipustulatus Sewage Works site 23/05/2006; Capel Road garden 23/04/2011
False Ladybird Endomychidae Endomychus coccineus Wanstead Park 30/08/2006
a ladybird Coccinellidae Rhyzobius litura Sewage Works site 10/03/2015 (RS,PF)
Pine Ladybird Coccinellidae Exochomus 4-pustulatus City of London Cemetery 15/03/2008; Wanstead Flats 05/07/2014
Orange Ladybird Coccinellidae Halyzia 16-guttata Capel Road garden 06/09/2004
22-Spot Ladybird Coccinellidae Psyllobora 22-punctata Capel Road garden 11/05/2006; Wanstead Park 31/07/2008; Sewage Works 10/07/2011
Cream-spot Ladybird Coccinellidae Calvia 14-guttata Wanstead Flats 14/05/2005; Wanstead Park 06/05/2010
14-Spot Ladybird Coccinellidae Propylea 14-punctata Capel Road garden 10/08/04
Harlequin Ladybird Coccinellidae Harmonia axyridis City of London Cemetery 09/10/2005; Capel Road garden 05/04/2006; Wanstead Flats 07/05/2006;  Wanstead Park 07/10/2006
2-Spot Ladybird Coccinellidae Adalia 2-punctata Common - Capel Road garden 16/05/2006
10-Spot Ladybird Coccinellidae Adalia 10-punctata Capel Road garden, 22/04/2006; Capel Road house, 08/01/2014; Capel Road garden, 08/05/2014
7-Spot Ladybird Coccinellidae Coccinella 7-punctata Wanstead Park 23/11/2001; Tarzy Wood 12/02/2005; CoL Cemy 27/10/2005; Capel Rd garden 21/04/2006; Sewage Works 23/05/2006; Wanstead Flats 25/05/2006; Bush Wood 23/02/2007
13-Spot Ladybird Coccinellidae Hippodamia 13-punctata  In the Exchange Lands on 12/06/2010
Water Ladybird Coccinellidae Anisosticta 14-punctata The Forest Pond, Gilbert's Slade, 10/05/2008
16-spot Ladybird
Coccinellidae Tytthaspis 16-punctata Capel Rd garden 07/05/2006; Wanstead Park 06/06/2008
24-spot Ladybird Coccinellidae Subcoccinella 24-punctata Wanstead Flats near Alexandra Lake, 30/03/2012
Wasp Nest Beetle Rhipiphoridae Metoecus paradoxus Capel Road garden 11/07/2007
a darkling beetle Tenebrionidae Lagria hirta ? Wanstead Park 23/07/2005
a darkling beetle Tenebrionidae Cylindrinotus laevioctostriatus ? Wanstead Flats 24/04/2007
a darkling beetle Tenebrionidae Eledona agricola Capel Road garden 11/06/2006

Swollen-thighed Beetle

Oedemeridae Oedemera nobilis Wanstead Flats 17/06/2005; Capel Road gdn 12/06/2006; Wanstead Park 22/06/2006; Bush Wood North 12/06/2007; CoL Cemy 06/05/2009; Sewage Works 04/07/2013
a flower beetle Oedemeridae Oedemera lurida Wanstead Park 06/06/2008
Black-headed Cardinal Beetle Pyrochroidae Pyrochroa coccinea Wanstead Park 08/05/2007
Red-headed Cardinal Beetle Pyrochroidae Pyrochroa serraticornis City of London Cemetery, by the Birches, 13/05/08; Wanstead Park, 31/05/2013; Wanstead Flats nr Aldersbrook Service Station, 29/04/2014
a longhorn beetle Cerambycidae Stenurella melanura Capel Road garden 27/05/2012
Spotted Longhorn Cerambycidae Rutpela (Strangalia) maculata Wanstead Park 27/06/2007; Capel Road garden 23/07/2012
Wasp Beetle Cerambycidae Clytus arietis Sewage Works 02/06/2006
a longhorn beetle Cerambycidae Mesosa nebulosa Capel Road garden 25/07/2013
a longhorn beetle Cerambycidae Agapanthia villosoviridescens Sewage Works 21/07/2013
a leaf beetle Chrysomelidae Donacia simplex ? Wanstead Park 20/05/2014
Green Tortoise Beetle Chrysomelidae Cassida viridis Wanstead Park 03/07/2013
Thistle Tortoise Beetle Chrysomelidae Cassida rubiginosa
Wanstead Park 01/06/2007
a leaf beetle Chrysomelidae Chrysolina oricalcia ? Wanstead Park 23/09/2013
Rosemary Beetle Chrysomelidae Chrysolina americana On a nettle by Perch Pond, Wanstead Park, 6 October 2008
Green Dock Beetle Chrysomelidae Gastrophysa viridula Wanstead Park 26/07/2005
a leaf beetle Chrysomelidae Galeruca tanaceti Near rough grassland on Wanstead Flats, 05/09/2014, found by Rose Stephens
a flea beetle Chrysomelidae Altica sp. By the Ornamental Waters, Wanstead Park, 18/05/2006
Apple Fruit Weevil Attelibidae Rhynchites aequatus By Alders Brook bridle path, 17/06/2015
Oak-leaf Roller Attelibidae Attelabus nitens Wanstead Park 10/05/2008
Gorse Weevil Apionidae Exapion ulicis City of London Cemetery 27/04/2015
Vine Weevil Curculionidae Otiorhynchus sulcatus Capel Road garden 12/10/2007
a weevil Curculionidae Phyllobius sp. ? Wanstead Flats 14/05/2009
Clover Leaf Weevil Curculionidae Hypera postica ? Green Man underpass, 16/05/2015
a weevil Curculionidae Cionus sp. (poss. scrophulariae) Capel Road garden 18/05/2014
Acorn Weevil Curculionidae Curculio glandium Wanstead Park 01/08/2012; Capel Road garden 16/07/2013
Large Elm Bark Beetle Scolytidae Scolytus scolytus City of London Cemetery 27/10/05


In addition, a large number of beetles have been found by others, and below are listed those that I have records of but have not been seen by myself:

Name Family Species Locality
(with dates of first records)
Screech Beetle Hygrobiidae Hygrobia hermanni Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014
a diving beetle Dytiscidae Laccophilus minutus Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014
a diving beetle Dytiscidae Hyphydrus ovatus Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014
a diving beetle Dytiscidae Hydroporos planus Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014
a diving beetle Dytiscidae Acilius sulcatus Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014
a ground beetle Carabidae Pterostichus madidus Wanstead Flats on path near broom TQ407864, 09/2014 (Rose Stephens); again near Alexandra Lake on 11/09/2014 (Rose Stephens)
a water beetle Hydrophilidae Anacaena globulus Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014
a rove beetle Staphylinidae Tachyporus hypnorum City of London Cemetery 12/03/2016 (Rose Stephens)
Stag Beetle Lucanidae Lucanus cervus Near Hollow Pond, 16/06/2013, Pamela Gamesby
Adonis Ladybird Coccinellidae Adonia variegata Wanstead Flats, 28/10/2014 (Rose Stephens)
Cellar Beetle Tenebrionidae Blaps mucronata Lorne Road, 17/08/2014 (Rose Stephens)
a leaf beetle Chrysomelidae Galeruca tanaceti Near rough grassland on Wanstead Flats, 05/09/2014, found by Rose Stephens
a flea beetle Chrysomelidae Longitarsus dorsalis On Ragwort in Manor Park Cemetery, 10/01/2016, Rose Stephens
a flea beetle Chrysomelidae Longitarsus (flavicornis/jacobaea) On Ragwort in Manor Park Cemetery, Rose Stephens, 05/01/2016
a leaf beetle Chrysomelidae Psylliodes sp. 11/09/2014, Rose Stephens,
Dock Weevil Apionidae Apion frumentarium Lorne Rd., Forest Gate, Rose Stephens, 05/11/2015
Common Leaf Weevil Curculionidae Phyllobius pyri Wanstead Flats 02/04/2016 (Rose Stephens)
Nut Leaf Weevil Curculionidae Strophosoma melanogrammum Wanstead Flats, on broom,  13/11/2014 (Rose Stephens)
a weevil Curculionidae Sitona regensteinensis Wanstead Flats, on broom,  16/11/2014 (Rose Stephens)
Poplar Tree Weevil Curculionidae Dorytomus (dejeani?) Manor Park Cemetry, 30/01/2016 (Rose Stephens)


Name Species Locality
For Dragonflies click here Zygoptera  
Grasshoppers and Crickets Orthoptera  
Common Green Grasshopper Omocestulus viridulus Sewage Works 10/08/01
Common Field Grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus SW; COL cemetery
Meadow Grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus SW; Wanstead Park
Long-winged Conehead Conocephalus discolor Sewage Works on 10/09/90; Wanstead Flats; Wanstead Park
Oak Bush-cricket Meconema thalassinum Common on Wanstead Flats
Speckled Bush-cricket Leptophyes punctatissima Common around Wanstead Park
Slender Ground -hopper Tetrix subulata In rough vegetation on S. side of Heronry Pond, 24/04/09
Dark Bush Cricket Pholidoptera griseoaptera COL; First found in Wanstead Park on 27/06/07
Roesel's Bush-cricket Metrioptera roeselii Common on Flats, in Park and in Sewage Works and COL cemetery
House Cricket Acheta domestica By stables near Sewage Works and in CoL Cemetery. Not heard since 2006
Bugs Hemiptera  
Water Scorpion Nepa cinerea In Heronry Pond
Water Boatman Corix punctata Capel Road garden
Striped Oak Bug Calocoris quadripunctatus Capel Road by Wanstead Flats
a mirid bug Liocoris tripustulatus Capel Road garden
a mirid bug Stenotus binotatus Wanstead Park, 9 June and 27 June 2007
a mirid bug

Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus

Sewage Works site
a mirid bug Heterotoma planicornis Capel Road garden, 8 July 2007
a mirid bug Plagiognathus arbustorum (?) Capel Road garden
Shield and Brassica Bugs Heteroptera  
Shield Bug Coreus marginatus Capel Road garden, Wanstead Park
Shield Bug Gonocerus acuteangulatus (?) City of London Cemetery
Shield Bug Myrmus miriformis Wanstead Park
Tortoise Bug Eurygaster testudinaria Wanstead Flats on 11/05/09
Bishop's Mitre Aelia acuminata Wanstead Park, Sewage Works
Sloe Bug Dolycoris baccarum Wanstead Park, 27 June 2007

Woundwort Shield Bug

Eysarcoris fabricii Common in Capel Road garden
Green Shield-bug Palomena prasina Common - col, gdn, wp

Forest Shield Bug

Pentatoma rufipes Capel Road garden
Brassica Bug Eurydema oleracea Wanstead Flats, 26 April 2007
Hawthorn Bug Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale City of London Cemetery
Juniper Bug Elasmostethus tristriatus City of London Cemetery, 16 September 2008
Parent Bug Elasmucha grisea Wanstead Park by OW on Alder, 6 October 2008
Homopteran Bugs Homoptera  
Leafhopper Lassus lanio Common in grassland and gardens

American Leaf Hopper

Graphocephala fennahi Common in City of London Cemetery
Beetles Coleoptera  
Lesser Stag Beetle Dorcus parallelopipedus Wanstead Park, 5 July 2003
Devil's coach-horse Ocypus olens On the Plain in Wanstead Park 23/09/01
Darkling Beetle Cylindronotus laevioctostriatus (?) Wanstead Flats on 24 April 2007.
Darkling Beetle Eledona agricola Capel Road garden, 11 June 2006
Summer Chafer Amphimallon solstitiale Wanstead Flats around oaks by Capel Rd.
Click Beetle Athous bicolor (?) Capel Road garden, 12 June 2006
Soldier Beetle Cantharis sp. (poss. figurata) Capel Road garden, 13 June 2006

Soldier Beetle

Cantharis sp. (poss. rustica) Sewage Works site, 2 June 2006

Soldier Beetle

Rhagonycha fulva Wanstead Park

Carpet Beetle

Anthrenus verbasci Capel Road house

Malachite Beetle

Malachius bipustulatus Sewage Works site


Endomychus coccineus Wanstead Park
Pine Ladybird Exochomus 4-pustulatus City of London Cemetery - many on 17/03/09
Orange Ladybird Halyzia 16-guttata Capel Road garden

22-Spot Ladybird

Psyllobora 22-punctata Capel Road garden
14-Spot Ladybird Propylea 14-punctata Capel Road garden 10/08/04
Harlequin Ladybird Harmonia axyridis Vey common everywhere
2-Spot Ladybird Adalia 2-punctata Common

10-Spot Ladybird

Adalia 10-punctata Capel Road garden
7-Spot Ladybird Coccinella 7-punctata Common
Water Ladybird Anisosticta 14-punctata The Forest Pond, Gilbert's Slade, 10 May 2008
Mealworm Beetle Tenebrio molitor (?) Capel Road garden

Swollen-thighed Beetle

Oedemera nobilis Frequent in Wanstead Park; also in Capel Road gdn, Green Man Roundabout and elsewhere
Black-headed Cardinal Beetle Pyrochroa coccinea Wanstead Park
Common Cardinal Beetle Pyrochroa serraticornis City of London Cemetery, by the Birches, 13/05/08
a longhorn beetle Strangalia (Leptura) maculata Wanstead Park

Wasp Beetle

Clytus arietis Sewage Works
Rosemary Beetle Chrysolina americana On a nettle by Perch Pond, Wanstead Park, 6 October 2008
a flea beetle Altica sp. By the Ornamental Waters, Wanstead Park, 18 May 2006
Vine Weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus Capel Road garden, 12 October 2007
Wasps Hymenoptera - Vespidae  


Vespa crabro Frequent in Wanstead Park; also Cemetery
Common Wasp Vespula vulgaris Capel Road garden

a digger wasp

Family Sphecid Wasps Wanstead Flats
a digger wasp Ectemnius sp. Capel Road garden on 9 June 2007; also in Wanstead Park
Bees Hymenoptera - various  

a leaf-cutter Bee

Megachile sp. Capel Road garden, 2000
Honey Bee Apis mellifera City of London Cemetery, 13 January 2008

Red-tailed Bumble Bee

Bombus lapidarius Wanstead Park

White-tailed Bumblebee

Bombus lucorum Wanstead Park; Cemetery

Common Carder Bee

Bombus pascuorum Wanstead Park

Buff-tailed Bumble Bee

Bombus terrestris Wanstead Flats, 19 April 2006
Wasps Hymenoptera - various  

a Parasitic Wasp

Gasteruption jaculator (?) Capel Road garden
an Ichneumon Wasp Amblyteles armatorius (?) Capel Road garden, 4 April 2007

an Ichneumon Wasp

Ophion luteus (?) Capel Road garden
an Ichneumon Wasp Pimpla hypochondriaca Capel Road garden
Sawflys Symphyta  
Iris Sawfly Rhadinoceraea micans Wanstead Park

a sawfly

Abia sericea (?) Capel Road garden
Rose Sawfly Arge orchropus Capel Road garden
a Sawfly Arge pagana (?) Capel Road garden, 7 June 2007

a Sawfly

Rhogogaster viridis Wanstead Park, 21 June 2007
a sawfly unidentified species (?) Capel Road garden
For Moths click here Lepidoptera
For Butterflies click here Lepidoptera  
Flies Diptera - various  
a caddis fly Mystacides longicornis Capel Road garden
St. Mark's Fly Bibio marci Common in Wanstead Park and on Wanstead Flats

a non-biting midge

Chironomus plumosus Wanstead Park
a soldier fly Chloromyia formosa Wanstead Park
a soldier fly Sargus bipunctatus (?) The Temple, Wanstead Park
Bee-fly Bombylius sp. Wanstead Park, 5 April 2008

horse fly

poss. Thereva nobilitata Wanstead Flats
a Dolichopod fly Poecilobothrus nobilitatus Capel Road garden
Hoverflies Diptera - Syrphidae  
a Hoverfly Melanostoma scalare gdn?, wp
a Hoverfly Platycheirus clypeatus (?) gdn, wp
a Hoverfly Chrysotoxum bicinctum gdn
a Hoverfly Chrysotoxum verralli sw
a Hoverfly Epistrophe eligans gdn, wf
a Hoverfly Epistrophe nitidicollis (?) gdn
a Hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus col, gdn, wp
a Hoverfly Eupeodes luniger gdn, wf
a Hoverfly Meliscaeva auricollis gdn
a Hoverfly Scaeva pyrastri gdn, sw? wf, wp?,
a Hoverfly Sphaerophoria rueppillii gdn
a Hoverfly Sphaerophoria scripta gdn?, wp
a Hoverfly Syrphus ribesii gdn
a Hoverfly Syrphus vitripennis (?) gdn, wp?
a Hoverfly Xanthogramma pedissequum gdn, sw? wp
a Hoverfly Eristalis arbustorum (?) gdn
a Hoverfly Eristalis intricarius wp
a Hoverfly Eristalis pertinax gdn
a Hoverfly Eristalis tenax gdn
a Hoverfly Helophilus pendulus gdn, sw, wp,
a Hoverfly Myathropa florea gdn, sw, wp
a Hoverfly Pipizella viduata gdn
a Hoverfly Volucella inanis gdn, wp?
a Hoverfly Volucella pellucens wp
a Hoverfly Volucella zonaria gdn, wp
a Hoverfly Syritta pipiens gdn
Flies Diptera - various  
a Conopid Fly Sicus ferrugineus Wanstead Park


Calliphora sp. Capel Road garden, wp


Lucilia caesar Capel Road garden

a Flesh Fly

Sarcophaga carnaria wp

a Tachinid Fly

possibly Tachina fera wp
a Tachinid Fly unknown species sw
Alderflies,Lacewings, etc. Neuroptera  
an Alderfly

Sialis lutaria

Green Lacewing family Chrysopidae Common
a Scorpion Fly Panorpa sp. wp