A list of Beetles (Coleoptera) that have been found in the study area.
Name | Family | Species | Locality (with dates of first records) |
a diving beetle | Dytiscidae | Hygrotus inaequalis | Wanstead Flats near Alexandra Lake 12/07/2011; Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014 |
Great Diving Beetle | Dytiscidae | Dytiscus marginalis | Capel Road garden 07/05/2013 |
a ground beetle | Carabidae | Amara sp. ? | Capel Road garden 21/04/06 |
a ground beetle | Carabidae | Dromius linearis | Sewage Works site 10/03/2015 |
Devil's coach-horse | Staphylinidae | Ocypus olens | On the Plain in Wanstead Park 23/09/2001 |
Lesser Stag Beetle | Lucanidae | Dorcus parallelipipedus | Wanstead Park 05/07/2003 |
Dog-pooh Dung Beetle | Scarabaeidae | Onthophagus sp. | Wanstead Park 30/05/2008 |
a dor beetle | Scarabaeidae | Onthophagus sp. | Sewage Works site 25/05/2015 |
Summer Chafer | Scarabaeidae | Amphimallon solstitiale | Wanstead Flats around oaks by Capel Rd. 10/07/2005 |
Chequered Click Beetle ? | Elateridae | Prosternon tessellatum ? | Wanstead Park 09/06/08 |
a click beetle | Elateridae | Athous bicolor ? | Capel Road garden 12/06/2006 |
a click beetle | Elateridae | Athous haemorrhoidalis |
City of London Cemetery 13/05/2008 |
a click beetle | Elateridae | Agriotes sputator ? | Capel Road garden 14/07/2005 |
a soldier beetle | Cantharidae | Cantharis sp. (poss. figurata) | Capel Road garden 13/06/2006 |
a soldier beetle | Cantharidae | Cantharis fusca | Sewage Works site 02/06/2006 |
a soldier beetle | Cantharidae | Cantharis sp. (poss. rustica) | Wanstead Park 30/05/2008 |
a soldier beetle | Cantharidae | Rhagonycha fulva | Wanstead Park 21/07/2005; Capel Road garden 02/07/2006; Leyton Flats 03/07/2007 |
Fur Beetle ? | Dermestidae | Attagenus pellio ? | Capel Road house 01/03/2007 |
a carpet beetle | Dermestidae | Anthrenus verbasci | Capel Road house 10/04/2006 |
a spider beetle | Ptinidae | Gibbium sp. |
Capel Road garden 05/10/2013 |
Golden Spider Beetle | Ptinidae | Niptus hololeucus | CoL Cemetery, 18/11/2014 |
Malachite Beetle | Melyridae | Malachius bipustulatus | Sewage Works site 23/05/2006; Capel Road garden 23/04/2011 |
False Ladybird | Endomychidae | Endomychus coccineus | Wanstead Park 30/08/2006 |
a ladybird | Coccinellidae | Rhyzobius litura | Sewage Works site 10/03/2015 (RS,PF) |
Pine Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Exochomus 4-pustulatus | City of London Cemetery 15/03/2008; Wanstead Flats 05/07/2014 |
Orange Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Halyzia 16-guttata | Capel Road garden 06/09/2004 |
22-Spot Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Psyllobora 22-punctata | Capel Road garden 11/05/2006; Wanstead Park 31/07/2008; Sewage Works 10/07/2011 |
Cream-spot Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Calvia 14-guttata | Wanstead Flats 14/05/2005; Wanstead Park 06/05/2010 |
14-Spot Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Propylea 14-punctata | Capel Road garden 10/08/04 |
Harlequin Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Harmonia axyridis | City of London Cemetery 09/10/2005; Capel Road garden 05/04/2006; Wanstead Flats 07/05/2006; Wanstead Park 07/10/2006 |
2-Spot Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Adalia 2-punctata | Common - Capel Road garden 16/05/2006 |
10-Spot Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Adalia 10-punctata | Capel Road garden, 22/04/2006; Capel Road house, 08/01/2014; Capel Road garden, 08/05/2014 |
7-Spot Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Coccinella 7-punctata | Wanstead Park 23/11/2001; Tarzy Wood 12/02/2005; CoL Cemy 27/10/2005; Capel Rd garden 21/04/2006; Sewage Works 23/05/2006; Wanstead Flats 25/05/2006; Bush Wood 23/02/2007 |
13-Spot Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Hippodamia 13-punctata | In the Exchange Lands on 12/06/2010 |
Water Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Anisosticta 14-punctata | The Forest Pond, Gilbert's Slade, 10/05/2008 |
16-spot Ladybird |
Coccinellidae | Tytthaspis 16-punctata | Capel Rd garden 07/05/2006; Wanstead Park 06/06/2008 |
24-spot Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Subcoccinella 24-punctata | Wanstead Flats near Alexandra Lake, 30/03/2012 |
Wasp Nest Beetle | Rhipiphoridae | Metoecus paradoxus | Capel Road garden 11/07/2007 |
a darkling beetle | Tenebrionidae | Lagria hirta ? | Wanstead Park 23/07/2005 |
a darkling beetle | Tenebrionidae | Cylindrinotus laevioctostriatus ? | Wanstead Flats 24/04/2007 |
a darkling beetle | Tenebrionidae | Eledona agricola | Capel Road garden 11/06/2006 |
Swollen-thighed Beetle |
Oedemeridae | Oedemera nobilis | Wanstead Flats 17/06/2005; Capel Road gdn 12/06/2006; Wanstead Park 22/06/2006; Bush Wood North 12/06/2007; CoL Cemy 06/05/2009; Sewage Works 04/07/2013 |
a flower beetle | Oedemeridae | Oedemera lurida | Wanstead Park 06/06/2008 |
Black-headed Cardinal Beetle | Pyrochroidae | Pyrochroa coccinea | Wanstead Park 08/05/2007 |
Red-headed Cardinal Beetle | Pyrochroidae | Pyrochroa serraticornis | City of London Cemetery, by the Birches, 13/05/08; Wanstead Park, 31/05/2013; Wanstead Flats nr Aldersbrook Service Station, 29/04/2014 |
a longhorn beetle | Cerambycidae | Stenurella melanura | Capel Road garden 27/05/2012 |
Spotted Longhorn | Cerambycidae | Rutpela (Strangalia) maculata | Wanstead Park 27/06/2007; Capel Road garden 23/07/2012 |
Wasp Beetle | Cerambycidae | Clytus arietis | Sewage Works 02/06/2006 |
a longhorn beetle | Cerambycidae | Mesosa nebulosa | Capel Road garden 25/07/2013 |
a longhorn beetle | Cerambycidae | Agapanthia villosoviridescens | Sewage Works 21/07/2013 |
a leaf beetle | Chrysomelidae | Donacia simplex ? | Wanstead Park 20/05/2014 |
Green Tortoise Beetle | Chrysomelidae | Cassida viridis | Wanstead Park 03/07/2013 |
Thistle Tortoise Beetle | Chrysomelidae | Cassida rubiginosa |
Wanstead Park 01/06/2007 |
a leaf beetle | Chrysomelidae | Chrysolina oricalcia ? | Wanstead Park 23/09/2013 |
Rosemary Beetle | Chrysomelidae | Chrysolina americana | On a nettle by Perch Pond, Wanstead Park, 6 October 2008 |
Green Dock Beetle | Chrysomelidae | Gastrophysa viridula | Wanstead Park 26/07/2005 |
a leaf beetle | Chrysomelidae | Galeruca tanaceti | Near rough grassland on Wanstead Flats, 05/09/2014, found by Rose Stephens |
a flea beetle | Chrysomelidae | Altica sp. | By the Ornamental Waters, Wanstead Park, 18/05/2006 |
Apple Fruit Weevil | Attelibidae | Rhynchites aequatus | By Alders Brook bridle path, 17/06/2015 |
Oak-leaf Roller | Attelibidae | Attelabus nitens | Wanstead Park 10/05/2008 |
Gorse Weevil | Apionidae | Exapion ulicis | City of London Cemetery 27/04/2015 |
Vine Weevil | Curculionidae | Otiorhynchus sulcatus | Capel Road garden 12/10/2007 |
a weevil | Curculionidae | Phyllobius sp. ? | Wanstead Flats 14/05/2009 |
Clover Leaf Weevil | Curculionidae | Hypera postica ? | Green Man underpass, 16/05/2015 |
a weevil | Curculionidae | Cionus sp. (poss. scrophulariae) | Capel Road garden 18/05/2014 |
Acorn Weevil | Curculionidae | Curculio glandium | Wanstead Park 01/08/2012; Capel Road garden 16/07/2013 |
Large Elm Bark Beetle | Scolytidae | Scolytus scolytus | City of London Cemetery 27/10/05 |
In addition, a large number of beetles have been found by others, and below are listed those that I have records of but have not been seen by myself:
Name | Family | Species | Locality (with dates of first records) |
Screech Beetle | Hygrobiidae | Hygrobia hermanni | Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014 |
a diving beetle | Dytiscidae | Laccophilus minutus | Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014 |
a diving beetle | Dytiscidae | Hyphydrus ovatus | Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014 |
a diving beetle | Dytiscidae | Hydroporos planus | Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014 |
a diving beetle | Dytiscidae | Acilius sulcatus | Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014 |
a ground beetle | Carabidae | Pterostichus madidus | Wanstead Flats on path near broom TQ407864, 09/2014 (Rose Stephens); again near Alexandra Lake on 11/09/2014 (Rose Stephens) |
a water beetle | Hydrophilidae | Anacaena globulus | Wanstead Park, Perch Pond, bio-blitz on 05/10/2014 |
a rove beetle | Staphylinidae | Tachyporus hypnorum | City of London Cemetery 12/03/2016 (Rose Stephens) |
Stag Beetle | Lucanidae | Lucanus cervus | Near Hollow Pond, 16/06/2013, Pamela Gamesby |
Adonis Ladybird | Coccinellidae | Adonia variegata | Wanstead Flats, 28/10/2014 (Rose Stephens) |
Cellar Beetle | Tenebrionidae | Blaps mucronata | Lorne Road, 17/08/2014 (Rose Stephens) |
a leaf beetle | Chrysomelidae | Galeruca tanaceti | Near rough grassland on Wanstead Flats, 05/09/2014, found by Rose Stephens |
a flea beetle | Chrysomelidae | Longitarsus dorsalis | On Ragwort in Manor Park Cemetery, 10/01/2016, Rose Stephens |
a flea beetle | Chrysomelidae | Longitarsus (flavicornis/jacobaea) | On Ragwort in Manor Park Cemetery, Rose Stephens, 05/01/2016 |
a leaf beetle | Chrysomelidae | Psylliodes sp. | 11/09/2014, Rose Stephens, |
Dock Weevil | Apionidae | Apion frumentarium | Lorne Rd., Forest Gate, Rose Stephens, 05/11/2015 |
Common Leaf Weevil | Curculionidae | Phyllobius pyri | Wanstead Flats 02/04/2016 (Rose Stephens) |
Nut Leaf Weevil | Curculionidae | Strophosoma melanogrammum | Wanstead Flats, on broom, 13/11/2014 (Rose Stephens) |
a weevil | Curculionidae | Sitona regensteinensis | Wanstead Flats, on broom, 16/11/2014 (Rose Stephens) |
Poplar Tree Weevil | Curculionidae | Dorytomus (dejeani?) | Manor Park Cemetry, 30/01/2016 (Rose Stephens) |
Name | Species | Locality |
For Dragonflies click here | Zygoptera | |
Grasshoppers and Crickets | Orthoptera | |
Common Green Grasshopper | Omocestulus viridulus | Sewage Works 10/08/01 |
Common Field Grasshopper | Chorthippus brunneus | SW; COL cemetery |
Meadow Grasshopper | Chorthippus parallelus | SW; Wanstead Park |
Long-winged Conehead | Conocephalus discolor | Sewage Works on 10/09/90; Wanstead Flats; Wanstead Park |
Oak Bush-cricket | Meconema thalassinum | Common on Wanstead Flats |
Speckled Bush-cricket | Leptophyes punctatissima | Common around Wanstead Park |
Slender Ground -hopper | Tetrix subulata | In rough vegetation on S. side of Heronry Pond, 24/04/09 |
Dark Bush Cricket | Pholidoptera griseoaptera | COL; First found in Wanstead Park on 27/06/07 |
Roesel's Bush-cricket | Metrioptera roeselii | Common on Flats, in Park and in Sewage Works and COL cemetery |
House Cricket | Acheta domestica | By stables near Sewage Works and in CoL Cemetery. Not heard since 2006 |
Bugs | Hemiptera | |
Water Scorpion | Nepa cinerea | In Heronry Pond |
Water Boatman | Corix punctata | Capel Road garden |
Striped Oak Bug | Calocoris quadripunctatus | Capel Road by Wanstead Flats |
a mirid bug | Liocoris tripustulatus | Capel Road garden |
a mirid bug | Stenotus binotatus | Wanstead Park, 9 June and 27 June 2007 |
a mirid bug | Sewage Works site | |
a mirid bug | Heterotoma planicornis | Capel Road garden, 8 July 2007 |
a mirid bug | Plagiognathus arbustorum (?) | Capel Road garden |
Shield and Brassica Bugs | Heteroptera | |
Shield Bug | Coreus marginatus | Capel Road garden, Wanstead Park |
Shield Bug | Gonocerus acuteangulatus (?) | City of London Cemetery |
Shield Bug | Myrmus miriformis | Wanstead Park |
Tortoise Bug | Eurygaster testudinaria | Wanstead Flats on 11/05/09 |
Bishop's Mitre | Aelia acuminata | Wanstead Park, Sewage Works |
Sloe Bug | Dolycoris baccarum | Wanstead Park, 27 June 2007 |
Woundwort Shield Bug |
Eysarcoris fabricii | Common in Capel Road garden |
Green Shield-bug | Palomena prasina | Common - col, gdn, wp |
Forest Shield Bug |
Pentatoma rufipes | Capel Road garden |
Brassica Bug | Eurydema oleracea | Wanstead Flats, 26 April 2007 |
Hawthorn Bug | Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale | City of London Cemetery |
Juniper Bug | Elasmostethus tristriatus | City of London Cemetery, 16 September 2008 |
Parent Bug | Elasmucha grisea | Wanstead Park by OW on Alder, 6 October 2008 |
Homopteran Bugs | Homoptera | |
Leafhopper | Lassus lanio | Common in grassland and gardens |
American Leaf Hopper |
Graphocephala fennahi | Common in City of London Cemetery |
Beetles | Coleoptera | |
Lesser Stag Beetle | Dorcus parallelopipedus | Wanstead Park, 5 July 2003 |
Devil's coach-horse | Ocypus olens | On the Plain in Wanstead Park 23/09/01 |
Darkling Beetle | Cylindronotus laevioctostriatus (?) | Wanstead Flats on 24 April 2007. |
Darkling Beetle | Eledona agricola | Capel Road garden, 11 June 2006 |
Summer Chafer | Amphimallon solstitiale | Wanstead Flats around oaks by Capel Rd. |
Click Beetle | Athous bicolor (?) | Capel Road garden, 12 June 2006 |
Soldier Beetle | Cantharis sp. (poss. figurata) | Capel Road garden, 13 June 2006 |
Soldier Beetle |
Cantharis sp. (poss. rustica) | Sewage Works site, 2 June 2006 |
Soldier Beetle |
Rhagonycha fulva | Wanstead Park |
Carpet Beetle |
Anthrenus verbasci | Capel Road house |
Malachite Beetle |
Malachius bipustulatus | Sewage Works site |
Beetle |
Endomychus coccineus | Wanstead Park |
Pine Ladybird | Exochomus 4-pustulatus | City of London Cemetery - many on 17/03/09 |
Orange Ladybird | Halyzia 16-guttata | Capel Road garden |
22-Spot Ladybird |
Psyllobora 22-punctata | Capel Road garden |
14-Spot Ladybird | Propylea 14-punctata | Capel Road garden 10/08/04 |
Harlequin Ladybird | Harmonia axyridis | Vey common everywhere |
2-Spot Ladybird | Adalia 2-punctata | Common |
10-Spot Ladybird |
Adalia 10-punctata | Capel Road garden |
7-Spot Ladybird | Coccinella 7-punctata | Common |
Water Ladybird | Anisosticta 14-punctata | The Forest Pond, Gilbert's Slade, 10 May 2008 |
Mealworm Beetle | Tenebrio molitor (?) | Capel Road garden |
Swollen-thighed Beetle |
Oedemera nobilis | Frequent in Wanstead Park; also in Capel Road gdn, Green Man Roundabout and elsewhere |
Black-headed Cardinal Beetle | Pyrochroa coccinea | Wanstead Park |
Common Cardinal Beetle | Pyrochroa serraticornis | City of London Cemetery, by the Birches, 13/05/08 |
a longhorn beetle | Strangalia (Leptura) maculata | Wanstead Park |
Wasp Beetle |
Clytus arietis | Sewage Works |
Rosemary Beetle | Chrysolina americana | On a nettle by Perch Pond, Wanstead Park, 6 October 2008 |
a flea beetle | Altica sp. | By the Ornamental Waters, Wanstead Park, 18 May 2006 |
Vine Weevil | Otiorhynchus sulcatus | Capel Road garden, 12 October 2007 |
Wasps | Hymenoptera - Vespidae | |
Hornet |
Vespa crabro | Frequent in Wanstead Park; also Cemetery |
Common Wasp | Vespula vulgaris | Capel Road garden |
a digger wasp |
Family Sphecid Wasps | Wanstead Flats |
a digger wasp | Ectemnius sp. | Capel Road garden on 9 June 2007; also in Wanstead Park |
Bees | Hymenoptera - various | |
a leaf-cutter Bee |
Megachile sp. | Capel Road garden, 2000 |
Honey Bee | Apis mellifera | City of London Cemetery, 13 January 2008 |
Red-tailed Bumble Bee |
Bombus lapidarius | Wanstead Park |
White-tailed Bumblebee |
Bombus lucorum | Wanstead Park; Cemetery |
Common Carder Bee |
Bombus pascuorum | Wanstead Park |
Buff-tailed Bumble Bee |
Bombus terrestris | Wanstead Flats, 19 April 2006 |
Wasps | Hymenoptera - various | |
a Parasitic Wasp |
Gasteruption jaculator (?) | Capel Road garden |
an Ichneumon Wasp | Amblyteles armatorius (?) | Capel Road garden, 4 April 2007 |
an Ichneumon Wasp |
Ophion luteus (?) | Capel Road garden |
an Ichneumon Wasp | Pimpla hypochondriaca | Capel Road garden |
Sawflys | Symphyta | |
Iris Sawfly | Rhadinoceraea micans | Wanstead Park |
a sawfly |
Abia sericea (?) | Capel Road garden |
Rose Sawfly | Arge orchropus | Capel Road garden |
a Sawfly | Arge pagana (?) | Capel Road garden, 7 June 2007 |
a Sawfly |
Rhogogaster viridis | Wanstead Park, 21 June 2007 |
a sawfly | unidentified species (?) | Capel Road garden |
For Moths click here | Lepidoptera |
For Butterflies click here | Lepidoptera | |
Flies | Diptera - various | |
a caddis fly | Mystacides longicornis | Capel Road garden |
St. Mark's Fly | Bibio marci | Common in Wanstead Park and on Wanstead Flats |
a non-biting midge |
Chironomus plumosus | Wanstead Park |
a soldier fly | Chloromyia formosa | Wanstead Park |
a soldier fly | Sargus bipunctatus (?) | The Temple, Wanstead Park |
Bee-fly | Bombylius sp. | Wanstead Park, 5 April 2008 |
horse fly |
poss. Thereva nobilitata | Wanstead Flats |
a Dolichopod fly | Poecilobothrus nobilitatus | Capel Road garden |
Hoverflies | Diptera - Syrphidae | |
a Hoverfly | Melanostoma scalare | gdn?, wp |
a Hoverfly | Platycheirus clypeatus (?) | gdn, wp |
a Hoverfly | Chrysotoxum bicinctum | gdn |
a Hoverfly | Chrysotoxum verralli | sw |
a Hoverfly | Epistrophe eligans | gdn, wf |
a Hoverfly | Epistrophe nitidicollis (?) | gdn |
a Hoverfly | Episyrphus balteatus | col, gdn, wp |
a Hoverfly | Eupeodes luniger | gdn, wf |
a Hoverfly | Meliscaeva auricollis | gdn |
a Hoverfly | Scaeva pyrastri | gdn, sw? wf, wp?, |
a Hoverfly | Sphaerophoria rueppillii | gdn |
a Hoverfly | Sphaerophoria scripta | gdn?, wp |
a Hoverfly | Syrphus ribesii | gdn |
a Hoverfly | Syrphus vitripennis (?) | gdn, wp? |
a Hoverfly | Xanthogramma pedissequum | gdn, sw? wp |
a Hoverfly | Eristalis arbustorum (?) | gdn |
a Hoverfly | Eristalis intricarius | wp |
a Hoverfly | Eristalis pertinax | gdn |
a Hoverfly | Eristalis tenax | gdn |
a Hoverfly | Helophilus pendulus | gdn, sw, wp, |
a Hoverfly | Myathropa florea | gdn, sw, wp |
a Hoverfly | Pipizella viduata | gdn |
a Hoverfly | Volucella inanis | gdn, wp? |
a Hoverfly | Volucella pellucens | wp |
a Hoverfly | Volucella zonaria | gdn, wp |
a Hoverfly | Syritta pipiens | gdn |
Flies | Diptera - various | |
a Conopid Fly | Sicus ferrugineus | Wanstead Park |
Bluebottle |
Calliphora sp. | Capel Road garden, wp |
Greenbottle |
Lucilia caesar | Capel Road garden |
a Flesh Fly |
Sarcophaga carnaria | wp |
a Tachinid Fly |
possibly Tachina fera | wp |
a Tachinid Fly | unknown species | sw |
Alderflies,Lacewings, etc. | Neuroptera | |
an Alderfly | wp | |
Green Lacewing | family Chrysopidae | Common |
a Scorpion Fly | Panorpa sp. | wp |